Helping millions around the world achieve love, prosperity, and purpose through a more connected consciousness



About Sri Preethaji & Sri Krishnaji

Sri Preethaji & Sri Krishnaji are two of the most impactful transformational leaders and modern-day mystics of our time. They have led millions on a profound journey into consciousness, helping them find the healing, joy, relationships, and purpose they seek. Through their new and US national best-selling book, The Four Sacred Secrets, the couple offers a life-altering adventure that has inspired a movement toward emotional and personal prosperity. This powerful couple provides a rare opportunity for all by touring across the U.S., Asia, and Europe and leading students through their teachings, otherwise only available at their Field of Awakening retreats, Bodhi retreats and Ekam in India.

For every day spent in suffering is a wasted day, and every day lived in a beautiful state is life truly lived.
— Sri Preethaji & Sri Krishnaji